there are people that need a ship. hurt, hungry, tired, full of anger, lust, pride, fear, sorrow...whatever. they need a ship to cross waters and get help in these endeavors. so you decide to build. you do this selflessly, for reasons that are pure and kind, unbiased, and without any hidden agenda. the problem is, you don't have any idea how to properly build a boat. the people see you building, they revel in ecstasy, they thank God for putting you there to help. their hopes are becoming reality. the day comes, the boat's complete, ostensibly it even looks seaworthy, almost even storm-tested. the people climb aboard, taking with, their pride, humbleness, anger, selflessness, uncertainty, and all the other belongings which are theirs. when they get out to sea though, out to the deepest depths, your workmanship, or lack there-of, shows. one leek, two, three, flowing water, wet ankles, knees, hips, and no life rafts. the water is cold, the expanse is far. what happens to you? your intentions were good. you did it for all the right reasons. but honestly, do these reasons mean...anything? you just killed women, children, men, and the heritage they may have one day left. your reasons are dull, flat, minuscule in comparison to the deadly ignorance your arrogance and "goodwill" let build that ship. because, the fact is, you had no business building. you are a fake. even though no one else stepped up to build, even though no one forced the people on that ship, your blame fails to lessen, fails to be clouded over by the title of this "volunteer humanitarian." you cost people hope. you cost people lives.
there are people who need a boat here. i don't know how to build one. yet, sometimes i feel like im trying. someone once wrote, "He who strives to be of use in this world soon burdens the people with his own insufficiency." i haven't figured these things out.
i read somewhere that, "if you leave out all the details, everyone's life is interesting." despite the validity, or lack there-of, of this statement, i think that subconsciously, or maybe even consciously, i've been trying to leave out some of the details in hopes of keeping this an interesting read, but i don't know if that's the most effective technique for displaying reality. im sitting in the township writing this. the township is a single stretch of dirt road, about a kilometer long, with single story buildings lined up on either side. the buildings are made of mudbrick, some concrete, and covered by rusted tin-rooves. though there are many shops, they tend to sell similar items. i don't know why the shops decide to open, and then sell the exact thing their neighbors are selling, but maybe it has something to do with why a Meijer opens, then a Walmart, then a Target in the same vicinity. or maybe it has nothing to do with this at all. the shops sell soap for laundry, eggs, 20 liter jerrycans, mugs, plates, pots, flour, and sometimes bread. at the end of the strip of buidings (or the beginning depending on how you look at it) is an open area where ladies sell fruits, vegetables, and a donut-type bread. on saturdays the town is alive with people and vendors from nearby towns. this is when i walk the 3km, or sometimes ride on the back rack of a bicycle, to town. Four, small sized tomatoes: 10 cents; head of cabbage: 25 cents; green pepper: 10 cents; 1 kilo of rice: 1 dollar and 50 cents; having thirty kids yell "munu" at you when you're trying to buy vegetables, so much so that you want to either elbow-drop them or choke them out: priceless.
Colony Prolapse
1 day ago
ReplyDeleteI appreciate that your thoughts are often raw and that you write without the filter that stops so many people from sharing their doubts and struggles. Also, you have the ability to grow a sweet beard when it strikes your fancy.
I'm not sure which I appreciate more.
God Bless,
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ReplyDeleteHi Hunter,
ReplyDeleteWith the help of Austin I'm finally signed on to this blog thing. I don't think I'm ever going to get into the whole technology craze. Anyway I'm in and now I can fill you in on what's going on back here in exciting Huntertown/Carroll. Nothing! How's that for exciting. The school renovation is progressing at a snails pace and after a year and a half it seems like it is never going to end. They say that it is suppose to be done at the end of this summer, but I have my doubts. The art dept. is finished finally. It was suppose to be done over the summer, but the workers went on strike over the summer and consequently everything was backed up five weeks and we didn't get into our rooms for two weeks after school started. Things are now somewhat normal if there's such a thing.
The cross teams are doing well. The boys are just an average team this year with two very good runners. James Martin is running like you would expect. He's only run hard three times and each one was around 15:35 to 15:45. The big surprise is Brad Hess. He is running extremely well. He was second at the Conf. meet and third place was 20 seconds behind. He ran 16:04 at Bellmont and it was wet and slow. At New Prairie He was 4th over all and ran 15:51! I think he will make the All-State team if he stays healthy. The girls are running extremely well. If they stay healthy they will challenge for the State title. There top three can all be All State and the next three are freshman.
Your last post was interesting. I hope things are going ok. I'm sure I can't relate to what you're going through, but do be careful when you start to second guess yourself. You have a very clear understanding of right and wrong and you know what it is to do the right thing. Trust yourself and stay the course and things will work out for the best.
Well I hope this works, you get this, and I haven't typed all of this for nothing. Take Care, Coach